NGO Operates as a Legal Entity to identify Social Causes.

NGO organizations are legal entities by law & regulations of the Indian Government, which act independently with their funds or are partially funded by the Government to work for nonprofit social causes.

The constitution of India is the source of Indian NGO organization which is to protect all kinds of human rights. NGOs shape their objectives along with these rights and duties laid out by the Indian constitution which spells the Fundamental rights such as equality before the law and freedom from discrimination on the grounds of caste, religion, gender, birthplace, race, and speech and expression freedom, the rights to peaceful assembly without arms to form unions or associations to move, to settle, to reside any part of India and for the protection against life deprivation, conscience freedom, and religious practice, profession, and propagation and to preserve the culture, to protect the national environment and to have compassion for living creatures.

A Non-Governmental organization is a legal entity created by a natural or lawful person that operates independently from all governments and has no government status. NGO organizations operate with their fund and with the funds raised through volunteers or donations for a social cause. Sometimes the Government use to funds the NGO organization totally or partially project-based or in object and social activity-based. To monitor, to assist the NGO our Indian Government allocated the Social Welfare Ministry which supports several welfare activities as per the needs and desires of the NGO organization.

The pronouncing style of NGOs varies countrywide. In the United States, the same NGO principal organization is called as a Nonprofit organization. In some areas, the same style of NGO organization is called a Social benefit organization or a Civil Society organization. Only there are certain operational differences are there as per the law.

The activities of the NGOs are of different types. They are Operational NGOs, Campaigning NGOs, and Operational and Campaigning NGOs. Operational NGOs localize their activity to make Small-level changes directly through projects. Campaigning NGOs are making Large-scale changes promoted indirectly through the influence of the political system which used to have an effective group of professional members who used to deal with human rights, Women’s welfare and Children’s welfare. NGO organization acts in various methods to maintain a healthy relationship with the public to meet their goals. Foundations and charities use public relationships for fundraising, and to employ standard techniques with Governments.

Generally, NGO organizations have focused on either communal or environmental. NGOs address various issues of society both national and international. During the formation of the NGO organization in India, there are certain rules as per their object to operate. Also, our Indian government have framed special rules to establish NGOs (non-governmental organizations) to identify the needs of the society and its area of operation with the objects which are related to health, HIV/AIDS, Maternal Mortality, Polio, food, shelter, education, civil liberty and poverty alleviation among others.

As the NGO organizations are operating as legal entities, the Indian government encourages such nonprofit organizations to make them eligible with specific certifications, tax exemptions, additional power of importing funds through special permission from the Indian Government and special project implementations through the Social Welfare Ministry of India.